I was born in 1992. When I was very young a started to read a lot, many historical novels but also a lot of phantasy books. After some years I started to learn how
to draw human beings in a realistic way, after that abstract paintings came up. I also wrote a lot, poems, diaries and my thoughts about the world and the psyche of myself and others. When I was
about 12 years old I started to sing sopran. I was in a choir, I had individual singing lessons to build my sopran voice and I took piano lessons. I did that for some years, when photography came
into my life. I photographed analog for many years, and than I started digital. I was interested in the people around me and I did a lot of act photography. When I finished my school (first
Mentessori school than Waldorf school) I moved to munich and went to the „Designschule München“, where I graduated as a graphic designer. In that time I created my Art-Work „Normalität“ and
„Art und Weise“. And of course I learned how to use InDesign, Photoshop, After Effect, Premiere Pro and CINEMA 4D and my main subject was film. So I learned about storytelling, storyboard and
writing concepts for projects. So I got in touch with many tools I really needed to implement my creative storm in my head.
After the graduation I started the project „Moments“ were I photographed people while having an orgasm. I did many shootings and I had 7 exhibitions with that
project. For one exhibiton I was the curator of an group exhibition I created a concept for, which we presented at „Farbenladen“ in Munich.
While I was still having the project „Moments“ I also did the project „Inside Out“. For that I projected patterns and shapes of the body of 10 Artists of Munich to
show their inner issues of their psyche. This was in cooperation with the „Süddeutsche Zeitung - Junge Leute“ and was also presented at the „Farbenladen“ in Munich.
In 2017 I started to produce music with the program Ableton and connect the digital music with the analog sound of my voice and my surrounding field. I got in love
with the way of expression through music and tell stories and emotions.
Beside all of that I did my Abitur (A level) at the BOS (Städtische Anita-Augspurg-Berufsoberschule München AR Sozialwesen) in this year (2018) and than I have
been studying Photodesign at the Hochschule München for 2 years. I stoped studying because of Corona and because of personal issues.
Since 2021 I am full-time employed as a graphic designer. But my next photo project will come soon.